The Importance of an Annual Visit with an Eye Doctor

eye doctor Carmi, IL

An eye doctor is also known as an optometrist, and they are responsible for the eyes. Just like any other medical professional, eye doctors recommend that patients undergo regular examinations, generally at least once a year. 

Want to know more about annual visits to the eye doctor? This article outlines why it is important, as well as what to expect from a yearly appointment. 

The importance of annual visits with an eye doctor

Keep reading to find out why it is important to regularly visit an optometrist!

Eye health

The main reason to visit an eye doctor at least once a year is so that patients can maintain eye health. While there is not a lot that goes into maintaining good eye health, it is primarily up to the eye doctor to check on the eyes' condition. Most patients are not equipped to care for their own eyes without the help of a professional. 

Vision screening

One of the main things that eye doctors check on during an annual visit is the patient's vision. Vision screenings are done on a regular basis because a lot of people's eyes change throughout the course of their life. Undergoing a screening can allow the patient to get better or more accurate glasses or contacts so that they are able to see clearly. 

Vision screenings are extremely important, as a lot of people do not realize when their vision changes. Even if the change is slight, detecting it can be crucial. 


Annual visits to an eye doctor also allow the patient to be checked for abnormalities. Eye doctors are able to closely examine the eyes for any abnormalities that may indicate an eye disease or a problem with vision. 

Eye disease detection

It is very important for patients to see an optometrist at least once a year so that any signs of eye disease can be detected. It is difficult for the average person to be able to detect a number of diseases in their eyes on their own, which is why it is so important to undergo a yearly examination with a professional eye doctor. With an exam, eye diseases can be caught early on, which can lead to quicker treatment so that the disease does not linger or turn into something worse.  

Get started with an eye doctor today!

The eyes are just as important as any other part of the body. It is very important to maintain good eye health all throughout life so that eyesight is never damaged or strained.

With the help of an eye doctor, you can maintain good eye health. If you have questions or concerns about doing so, then reach out to our office so that we can help you. Our team of eye doctors are specially trained optometrists who can detect eye conditions and treat them right away. Give us a call or stop by today so that we can assist you!

Request an appointment here: or call Carmi Eye Care at (618) 374-0513 for an appointment in our Carmi office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Read our Yelp reviews.

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