What to Ask at Your Next Eye Exam

eye exam Carmi, IL

If it has been a while since your last eye exam, you should call an optometrist today. Regular exams help to ensure you will maintain good vision and proper eye health. This also gives the doctor the chance to identify any developing concerns. The doctor might even diagnose conditions and prescribe appropriate treatments. It is helpful to be prepared for your appointment at the eye doctor’s office. If you come with specific questions, you can get the most out of the visit.

The basics of the eye exam

Like a general health checkup, patients should not overlook the chance to see the optometrist. The frequency of these exams depends on the person’s age and health. Adults younger than 40 should see the eye doctor every five years. Between age 40 and 54, optometrists recommend eye exams every two to four years. From the mid-50s on, it is good to have yearly exams.

During this visit, the doctor will ask the patient about their health and any vision problems. The doctor will test the patient’s vision to determine whether corrective lenses are required. There is also a pressure test. The patient can also expect the doctor to look for signs of disease or other concerning conditions.

Ask about being at risk for eye diseases

There are several types of eye diseases that can affect a person’s vision. These include glaucoma, cataracts, blindness, and refractive errors. Some people could have a higher risk than others of developing these conditions. At the eye exam, the eye doctor can review the signs and symptoms of these issues. The patient should be honest and open with the doctor about whether they have experienced any of these. Typical symptoms include double vision, blurry vision, seeing halos, and feeling pain.

Ask about how to maintain good eye health

Some conditions come with age and family history. However, patients can avoid some eye diseases by being mindful of certain factors. Having a regular eye exam is a good first step. People should eat a balanced, healthy diet. Avoiding tobacco can help keep eyes strong too. It is also wise to wear sunglasses on sunny days and to wear eye protection when appropriate.

Ask about wearing glasses or contacts

The eye exam will reveal whether the patient has issues, such as farsightedness or nearsightedness. Corrective lenses can help with both of these conditions. Patients should speak with the optometrist about whether glasses or contacts are the right treatment. In some cases, the doctor may need to do further exams to identify the extent of the patient’s condition.

An appointment you should never forget about

It is not difficult to put off going to the optometrist’s office for an eye exam. However, ignoring these visits can have devastating effects on your health. The sooner the doctor can diagnose a vision condition, the more likely you are to manage it and maintain your sight. There is nothing to fear at these exams. Call your eye doctor today and schedule a time to come into the office for an evaluation.

Get more information about Carmi Eye Care in Carmi at https://www.carmieyecare.com.

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