How Often Should I Update My Glasses Prescription?

Glasses Carmi, IL

If you wear glasses, you need to update your prescription from time to time. An updated prescription will allow you to see clearly. Some people require a new prescription every year. Others only need a new prescription every two to three years. Learn the signs you should look for, so you will know when to visit the optometrist and get a new prescription.

Signs that glasses prescription needs to be updated

Eyeglass prescriptions are valid for one to two years, depending on the optometrist. Once a prescription expires, people must get a new one to get new glasses. This allows the optometrist to examine the eyes and check for vision changes. People need to get new prescriptions if their vision has changed, or there are issues with their eyeglasses.

Blurry vision

If their vision is blurry, the prescription needs to be updated. People with blurry vision often squint to bring objects into focus. This leads to headaches. Getting an updated prescription will fix this problem. Failing to update the prescription could lead to serious headaches and other problems, such as issues when driving.

Tired eyes

Eyes work harder than normal when prescriptions are outdated. People squint to focus on objects and this makes the eyes tired. People who have fatigued eyes need to visit the optometrist. A new prescription is likely needed. This reduces the stress on the eyes, eliminating the fatigue.

Cannot see items up close

Many people get reading glasses when they age. When the glasses are on, people can easily see items that are up close. A new prescription is needed when people can no longer see items up close. People will notice they move objects away from them when looking. This allows the eyes to focus. Once the prescription is updated, these people will not have to move items away to see them.

Glasses are scratched

When glasses are new, it is easy to see out of the lenses. Over the years, though, glasses can get scratches and take on other damage that makes it difficult to see. If the prescription is no longer valid, people must visit the optometrist to get a new prescription. Then they can purchase new glasses with fresh lenses.

Hard to clean the glasses

Glasses often have extras such as scratch resistance and UV protection. The extra coating eventually breaks down. This makes it hard to clean the glasses. It is important to replace glasses that are difficult to clean. Over time, wearing the glasses can cause problems with the vision. Also, if the glasses are hard to clean, driving will become dangerous.

Do you need a new prescription?

If you think you need a new prescription, visit the optometrist soon. Signs that you need a new prescription include blurry vision, tired eyes and the inability to see items up close. You also might need a new prescription if your glasses are scratched or hard to clean. Get your new prescription, so you can see clearly once again.

Request an appointment here: or call Carmi Eye Care at (618) 374-0513 for an appointment in our Carmi office.

Check out what others are saying about our services on Yelp: Glasses in Carmi, IL.

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